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Places That Benefit From Concrete Coating Options

Concrete is designed to be tough and last for years. However, concrete does experience wear and tear and can become damaged by the elements. Barefoot Concrete Coatings provides coating options for concrete that not only changes the look but expands the life of your concrete surfaces. Below, we will discuss five places that will greatly benefit from concrete coatings.


Driveways are used regularly and are often in full Sun; because of this, they become damaged frequently. Polyaspartic coatings are perfect for driveways, as it is resistant to UV rays. This will keep your concrete looking great, all while protecting it. Concrete repairs can be expensive, and concrete coatings are the best way to prevent damages to your concrete driveway.

Basketball and Tennis Courts

Basketball and tennis courts need to be smooth without cracks or damages. Concrete coatings are a smart choice for these areas because of the protections the coating provides. Concrete coatings can create a beautiful finish for your court, all while keeping it safe for many years to come.


Garages are known to be dirty, with leaks and spills. It is no surprise that many garages get a bad rap and a terrible smell. Concrete coatings can help with these issues. Spills can be easily wiped away, and no odors will enter your concrete flooring. You can keep your garage looking and smelling great with polyaspartic garage floor coatings.


Concrete patios are popular and often in direct Sun. With concrete coatings, you can change the color and look of your patio and protect it from the harmful rays of the Sun. Concrete coatings will keep your patio nonslip and look great while entertaining guests. Contact Barefoot Concrete Coatings for more information on Utah patio and sidewalk coatings! 

Industrial Floors

Industrial flooring is often damaged from leaks, spills, and traffic. This can all be avoided with the proper concrete coating installation. Businesses want their floors to look great, be nonslip, not hold smells, and be easily cleaned. Concrete coatings can provide that extra level of protection for your flooring.

As you can see, concrete coatings can provide great protection and many benefits for your concrete flooring. If you are looking to alter the look or protect your investment, check out polyaspartic floor coatings from Barefoot Concrete Coatings in Utah and Texas.

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